Mums in Heels

The miracle morning

By |February 18th, 2016|

There is a saying in my mother tongue that you can judge the day by the morning. No matter or origins we all know that how you start your morning is most important for how you will feel throughout your whole day. Are you going [...]

The fashion world is buzzing about…

By |February 16th, 2016|

This week everyone (not only in the fashion world) is talking about Kanye West Yeezy Season 3 extravaganza show in NY. We decided to note down for you the final and most important saying of the few big fashion guns reporting about the collection: "The [...]

Let’s have some play time

By |February 3rd, 2016|

When was the last time you met an airplane engineer? It’s surely even rarer to find one who has also launched a fashion label and is dabbling in doll design… This story no matter how extraordinary is, happens on a very ordinary January morning over [...]

Pretty in Pink Charity Action

By |January 28th, 2016|

Did you know that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed with breast cancer BUT a healthy diet & exercise routine can reduce your chance for breast cancer by nearly 40%. When caught early, breast cancer has a 98% survival rate Nearly 85% of women diagnosed with breast [...]

Superwoman or just a human

By |January 27th, 2016|

There was a time when our mothers wanted to become superwomen, independent multitaskers in a constant pursuing of perfection at the roles they thought a woman is meant to fulfill. Never ever did they dare think of fulfilling their own desires and dreams. This was [...]

Baby, it’s cold and dark outside

By |January 4th, 2016|

This post is not about the next It-bag or pair of shoes. It's not about sales as well, but sometimes even a fashion blogger, may experience the post-Christmas blues, or something like a real-life drama... I really enjoy winter...BUT only till the end of December. Somehow [...]

Christmas food issues

By |December 17th, 2015|

The closer we get to the Christmas time the more I keep hearing my friends complaining and worrying about the holiday food temptations, the filling cooked meals, the bread, the fat and the white sugar hidden in mum’s traditional dishes and old-time childhood treats. Drowning [...]

Swiss Designer Sibylle Kuhn

By |December 3rd, 2015|

It is obvious from her designs that Sibylle is exceptionally sensitive and reflective. I can describe her designs as very intuitive and made pour le femme avec une forte presence. Wearing Seam Fashion Design I can feel both romantic and sensual but also confident and [...]

A Pearl Story

By |November 23rd, 2015|

Ronit is a friend of my best friend Kathy. I know it sounds complicated but Kathy is a stylist and the founder of Style Boutique Etc., and she has these amazing fine treasures that can transform you from a Cinderella into a princess without the [...]

All that jazz

By |November 20th, 2015|

I know you may wonder what has this title to do with pearls….bear with me. There’s a beautiful story about a five year old girl who wanted a string of white pearls in a pink foil box for a dollar ninety-five. When she saved her [...]


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